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May 14, 2011 | 10:09 AM

Salam readers~

Tadi yana bukak dashboard, then ada orang komen. Dia tanya macam mana nak tukar header lama kepada yang baru.

Okayh! Meh yana ajar ye?

1. Dashboard > Design > Page Element

2. Dekat Page Element tu ada widget header. Kat atas sekali. Tekan Edit kat situ.

3. Dah tu nanti dia akan keluar macam nieh :

Disebabkan nak tukar header lama kepada yang baru, tekan Remove image tu.

4. Then pilih la gambar yang nak dijadikan sebagai header tu. Sekali lagi dekat kotak 'shrink to fit' tu tak payah tick.

5. Lepas tu Save. Siap! :)

p/s: kalau tak jadik sila inform ya? :]

Sekian :]


Blogger fendi@pharm.com said...

ok, thanks..be my follower, hope dapat belajar byk lg bende baru..

Blogger Chimi ♥ said...

@fendi@pharm.com welcome :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nak tnye ni ,

cmner nak rapat kan header ke body content ?


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This template 100% made by me. Akira Himesama. With little help from my old skins and Dinamic Drive. For header and background, I used Photoshop CS5. Color got from HTML color code. Font from Dafont and Google Web Font. Gifs picture made by me and some taken from Tumblr. Other image get from We♥It, Google and Tumblr. Kindly inform me if I'm using your materials but i don't mention here. (c) Copyright by Akira Himesama. All right reserved 2012 (c)