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August 31, 2011 | 2:30 PM

Sempena Aidilfitri yang mulia ini, yana pun bermurah hati nak bagi korang background yang comel kiut miut for blog korang yang macho. Hehe. Dah amek tu, do leave a comment ye? Boleh yana blog walking ke blog korang pulak lepas nie :)

Colouring Box

Polka Dots


Blogger Qila said...

ambik :*

Blogger Chimi ♥ said...

okay :)

Blogger Lenne Danielle said...

lina ambik satu utk background blockquote lina ya? ;)

Blogger aisyahyusof said...

amik satu ye

Blogger Princess Izzy said...

saya amik satu. thanks ^^

Blogger pizzyanax said...

saya ambil satu ye :)

Blogger - said...

Saya amik satu :') Btw , comel blog !

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya ambik satu ;)


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This blog belongs to me and me only. All items made by me unless stated in credit section below. No ripping, spamming and copying w/o my permission. Respect me and I'll respect you. Thank you :)


This template 100% made by me. Akira Himesama. With little help from my old skins and Dinamic Drive. For header and background, I used Photoshop CS5. Color got from HTML color code. Font from Dafont and Google Web Font. Gifs picture made by me and some taken from Tumblr. Other image get from We♥It, Google and Tumblr. Kindly inform me if I'm using your materials but i don't mention here. (c) Copyright by Akira Himesama. All right reserved 2012 (c)