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May 19, 2011 | 1:09 PM

Salam readers~

Disebabkan yana tak boleh nak online selama beberapa hari *or maybe weeks*, so yana nak buat tutor banyak2 hari nieh. Takdelah orang yang request tu nak marah nanti kan? Heee. So, lets start! :)

1. Korang login fesbuk korang dulu.

2. Korang pegi ke link nieh :
Then, dia akan keluar macam nie:

3. Lepas tu korang select mana yang korang rasa sesuai untuk blog korang tu. Kalau macam yana, yana select People tu.

4. Then korang isi apa yang patut.

5. Dah selesai tu korang tekan Get Started. Then dia akan keluar la profile fan page korang tu. Lepas tu korang edit mana yang patut macam info ke ape ke kan?

6. Then kalau nak letak button Like fan page korang tu kat blog, korang tekan Add Like Box kat bawah2 tu.

7. Then korang edit la macam mana yang korang nak fan page korang tu keluar nanti.

Yang dia tulis Facebook Page URL tu korang masukkan URL fan page korang tu ye?

8. Tekan Get Code. Pilih code iframe tu tau?

Dah selesai dah buat? Okayh. Now cara nak masukkan ke dalam blog pulak.

1. Dashboard > Design > Page Element

2. Add Gadget > HTML/JavaScript

3. Paste code tadi tu.

4. Save. Siap! :)

Sekian :]


Blogger FatinFebruary said...

kalau da create lame,,,tp bru nk buat..cmne ye?

Blogger Chimi ♥ said...

@Gadis kalau dah lama dah create tp baru nak buat, just carik perkataan Add Like Box tu je. Then copy code dia macam yg yana ajar :)

Blogger Zyla said...

tak dapat pon...

Blogger Najwa Damieya's said...

akak ,mcm mne klau gna template ??nk ltak kat mne yea ?

Blogger Chimi ♥ said...

kalau guna classic template, letak je code tu kat mane2 yg wawa nak dalam html box tu :)

Blogger Liza said...

Tq Yana, saya betul2 ikut as instructed..jadi!!! Tqvm

Blogger Chimi ♥ said...

Okay. Most welcome^^


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This template 100% made by me. Akira Himesama. With little help from my old skins and Dinamic Drive. For header and background, I used Photoshop CS5. Color got from HTML color code. Font from Dafont and Google Web Font. Gifs picture made by me and some taken from Tumblr. Other image get from We♥It, Google and Tumblr. Kindly inform me if I'm using your materials but i don't mention here. (c) Copyright by Akira Himesama. All right reserved 2012 (c)