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April 22, 2011 | 1:05 PM

salam readers~

memandangkan aku tak boleh nak online beberapa hari *maybe weeks* -_____-'.

so aku nak buatlah bebanyak tuto hari nieh. eheh. *terajen pulok. takpe lah kan? heee.*

untuk tuto kali nie, korang ikot step nie satu-satu okeh?

1. Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML

2. Cari code nie :
*Ctrl + F untuk mudahkan pencarian*
*Ctrl + C untuk Copy*
*Ctrl + V untuk Paste*

/* Variable definitions

3. Dah jumpa? then copy code nie pulak dan paste kan kat atas code tadi :

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

4. Preview dan Save. :)

p/s: kalau tak jadik sila bagitahu okeh. :]



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This template 100% made by me. Akira Himesama. With little help from my old skins and Dinamic Drive. For header and background, I used Photoshop CS5. Color got from HTML color code. Font from Dafont and Google Web Font. Gifs picture made by me and some taken from Tumblr. Other image get from We♥It, Google and Tumblr. Kindly inform me if I'm using your materials but i don't mention here. (c) Copyright by Akira Himesama. All right reserved 2012 (c)